
#74: Static πŸ“Ί


Static is a library from Venmo that makes it very simple to create simple static-content table views. Let's take a look at how to use it:

The basic idea of Static is that we'll configure what is displayed in our table view by supplying Section and Row objects to a DataSource object:

class SettingsViewController: TableViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {

    dataSource.sections = [
      Section(rows: [
        Row(text: "Jake Marsh", detailText: "@jakemarsh",
          cellClass: SubtitleCell.self,
          selection: { [unowned self] in
            // edit profile
          text: "Cellular Downloads",
          accessory: .View(cellularDownloadsSwitch)
        footer: .Title("Version: \(appVersion)")

Custom accessories are simple to implement with Static:

Row(text: "Enable Hyperdrive", accessory: .DetailButton({
  // configure hyperdrive settings

Note how we not only give the cell a detail button, but we pass in a closure to be run when the detail button is tapped. We can even use a custom UIView as an accessory like we did with the switch in our first example.

We used a simple string as our footer here, but we can easily use a view instead:

Section(rows: [], footer: .View(footerView)).

Static does a great job separating concerns. Rows don't know anything about the actual UITableViewCells that eventually get shown to represent them. Static uses the .Value1 cell type by default and comes with a few other standard cell types. We can easily add our own by implementing the CellType protocol on any of our own UITableViewCell subclasses.

More info about Static can be found at