Patterns are one of the most powerful parts of Swift. Let's look at a few examples of cool things you can do with pattern matching.
let since: NSTimeInterval = 127 // 2 minutes, 7 seconds
switch since {
case (0...10): print("just now")
case (10...60): print("a minute ago")
default: print("\(since) seconds")
enum Result {
case Success
case Error(String)
let r = Result.Success
switch r {
case .Success: print("Yay!")
case .Error(let err): print("Boo: \(err)")
let something = Product()
switch something {
case is Product: print("Found a product")
case let person as Person: print("Found a person: \(")
default: print("Found an unknown thing.")
let contentOffset = (0, 30.0)
switch contentOffset {
case let (_, y) where y < 0: print("Scrolled up")
case let (_, y) where (0...60) ~= y: print("scrolling top area")
default: println("just scrolling")
Swift 2
New in Swift 2, you can now use any Swift pattern as the clause of an if statement:
let comments = 7
if case 1...10 = commentCount {
print("some comments")
} else if case 11..100 = commentCount {
print("lots of comments")
And in Swift 2's new error handling:
do {
try send(message: "Hello")
} catch SendError.Offline {
print("user is offline")
} catch SendError.RateLimited {
print("stop spamming")
} catch SendError.Blocked(let reason) {
print("user was blocked because \(reason)")