Validating data is usually one of the "chores" we encounter while building apps. It can be annoying and boring code to write, and can be a huge source of bugs. Today we'll check out a great library called FormValidatorSwift that can help us avoid all these issues. Let's take a look.

The core of FormValidatorSwift is built around checking if a String passes some sort of test to be deemed 'valid'.

We'll use individual Conditions or combined sets of Conditions called Validators. We'll attach these to controls like Text Fields and Text Views to allow them to be validated.

Let's try out the included ValidatorTextField to validate an email address:

let field = ValidatorTextField(validator: EmailValidator())

Then, we'll configure it to allow the user to begin entering an email address that's invalid like "hello@", and specify that it should only be validated when it loses focus.

field.shouldAllowViolation = true
field.validateOnFocusLossOnly = true

This sets us up perfectly for our final steps: Displaying the validation info.

First, we'll set the validatorDelegate:

field.validatorDelegate = self

Then, we'll implement one function to update the visual state of our field when the validation state changes:

func validatorControl(validatorControl: ValidatorControl, changedValidState validState: Bool) {
  guard let view = validatorControl as? UIView else { return }

  if validState {
    view.backgroundColor = UIColor.white
    errorLabel.hidden = true
  } else {
    view.backgroundColor =
    errorLabel.hidden = false

And finally, we'll add one more function to display the actual reason that validation failed (if it failed):

func validatorControl(validatorControl: ValidatorControl, violatedConditions conditions: [Condition]) {
  var errorText = ""

  for condition in conditions {
    errorText += condition.localizedViolationString

  errorLabel.text = errorText
  errorLabel.hidden = false

Last but not certainly not least, we can group our fields into a provided Form type, then ask if the whole thing is valid:

var form = ControlForm()


print(form.isValid) // true

Learn more about FormValidatorSwift at