We're continuing our look at lesser-known UIKit functionality today with UITableView & UITableViewCell. Let's see what we can find:

Blur & Vibrancy Visual Effects

We can set UIVisualEffectView backgroundView, and a vibrancy separatorEffect so our table view really shines:

let blurView = UIVisualEffectView(effect: UIBlurEffect(style: .Dark))

tableView.backgroundView = blurView
tableView.separatorEffect = UIVibrancyEffect(forBlurEffect: blurView.effect as! UIBlurEffect)

Row Actions

We can get those awesome "swipe-to-reveal" actions from Mail.app in our own table views. We just need to implement one delegate function and return an array of UITableViewRowActions.

override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, editActionsForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> [UITableViewRowAction]? {
  let deployAction = UITableViewRowAction(
    style: .Default,
    title: "Deploy"
  ) { (action, indexPath) in
    // TODO: Deploy the troop at this indexPath.row

  return [deployAction]

Adjusting to State Transitions

We can override the willTransitionToState(state:) and didTransitionToState(state:) functions in our UITableViewCell subclasses to run code when the cell begins or finishes showing the edit control or delete confirmation:

class StormtrooperCell : UITableViewCell {
  override func didTransitionToState(state: UITableViewCellStateMask) {

    if state == .ShowingEditControlMask { print("began editing!") }

Multiple Selection Background View

We can set a special background view on cells that will be shown only when we our table view supports multiple selection:

multipleSelectionBackgroundView = EditingView()