Today we'll check out a library called Shoyu that aims to make setting up UITableViews a breeze. Let's dive in:

Shoyu works as a sort of DSL. It adds a source property on to UITableView, then gives as a few functions like createSection and createRow to fill the table view with content. Let's see what it takes to add a section and a row:

tableView.source = Source() { source in
  source.createSection { section in
    section.createRow { (row: Row<SpaceshipTableViewCell>) in
      row.reuseIdentifier = "SpaceshipCell"
      row.height = 52
      row.configureCell = { cell, _ in cell.nameLabel.text = "Tantive IV" }

We can use a similar technique to create and attach headers and footers to sections:

section.createHeader {
  $0.reuseIdentifier = "SpaceshipHeader"
  $0.height = 120
  $0.configureView = { view, _ in
    view.backgroundColor = .blackColor()

There's also a few other functions to help us do things like dynamically set a row's height, or run some code when a row is selected:

section.createRow { row in      
  row.didSelect = { _ in /**/ }
  row.heightFor = { indexPath -> CGFloat? in
    return calculateHeight(indexPath)

Last but not least, we can pass in an array of our model objects, then easily configure our cells with them:

section.createRows(spaceships) { (spaceship, row: Row<SpaceshipTableViewCell>) in
  row.height = 52
  row.configureCell = { cell, _ in cell.configure(spaceship) }

More info about Shoyu can be found at