Vector graphics are fantastic. They give us small, compressible files, crispy rendered pixels at any scale, and they're supported by many different kinds of software and frameworks.
Except iOS π, which doesn't support them out of the box. Today we'll try a library from Michael Choe called SwiftSVG which provides great support for parsing and rendering SVG files. Let's take a look.
SwiftSVG supports a ton of different ways of getting SVGs into our app.
UIView(pathString: deathStarBlueprints)
CAShapeLayer(pathString: superSecretNewLogoIdea)
UIBezierPath(pathString: "M150 0 L75 200 L225 200 Z")
SwiftSVG also provides a custom UIView subclass we can use in Interface Builder that supports IBInspectable/IBDesignable.
More broadly, it's important to think about the reasons why we might want to use SVGs in our app. SVGs are essentially XML files (Open one up in a text editor, you'll see.)
They are instructions on how to draw a set of paths. The files are incredibly small.
Getting a good workflow going for creating them at-will can be tricky, but Sketch (eventually) makes it mostly painless.
Once we have this, we can build some awesome abstractions. Imagine a Swift struct with SVGName
, color
, and size
that can produces a UIImage.
struct SVGImage {
let SVGName: String
let size: CGSize
let color: UIColor
func asImage() -> UIImage {
// Neato!
More info about SwiftSVG can be found at