Making functions chainable is quite easy and can allow us to write using an almost DSL-like syntax.
We'll add a new function that does something and then return self
. It's that simple.
enum CountdownType: Int { case ToTheSecond, ToTheDay }
enum ColorScheme: Int { case AfterMidnight, ClassyYellow, Tealfish }
class Concern {
var title: String = ""
func title(aTitle: String?) -> Concern {
title = aTitle ?? ""; return self
var subtitle = ""
func subtitle(aSubtitle: String?) -> Concern {
subtitle = aSubtitle ?? ""; return self
var countdownType: CountdownType = .ToTheSecond
func countdownType(type: CountdownType) -> Concern {
countdownType = type; return self
var colorScheme: ColorScheme = .AfterMidnight
func colorScheme(scheme: ColorScheme) -> Concern {
colorScheme = scheme; return self
It enables us to write extremely readable and composable code like this:
.title("Big Meeting")
.subtitle("With those people from that place")
Setting properties is just the tip of the iceberg here. Imagine using this technique to create chainable queries:
.sort { $0.startDate < $1.startDate }
Chainables TLDR;
- πwrite setters
- π return
- π profit