
#124: More on UI Testing 🚸


We covered the basics of UI Testing in Xcode when it was first announced all the way back in Bite #30. It's a fantastic way to test our app's interface. Today we'll look at a few more UI Testing odds and ends. Let's dive in:

First, let's write a test to verify that one of our table views properly loads and displays its data. The data is loaded asynchronously (which should be mocked in our test, but that's a future Bite). We'll need to give our app a little time to load and render the data we're testing for. We can use an expectation to easily pull this off:

  NSPredicate(format: "count > 0"),
  evaluatedWithObject: app.tables.cells,
  handler: nil)

waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(5, handler: nil)
XCTAssertGreaterThan(app.tables.cells.count, 0)

Xcode will wait up to 5 seconds for the predicate we've passed in to be true (for there to be more than 0 cells in our table). After that the XCTAssert will be executed and evaluated.

We can change the simulated orientation of the device like this:

XCUIDevice.sharedDevice().orientation = .LandscapeLeft

Quite helpful for testing all that great new Adaptive UI code!

Finally, let's look at performing some interactions beyond simple taps. We can do things like long press an element:


or perform simple pans using the convenience swipe functions:


We can even execute more complex pan gestures using the pressForDuration(duration:thenDragToCoordinate:) function:

  let point = table.coordinateWithNormalizedOffset(CGVectorMake(0, 2)
  table.pressForDuration(0.5, thenDragToCoordinate: point)